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This too will pass,

I hear my Saviour’s voice say alas.

Through tears of pain look to the light,

For the dawn that comes after the darkest of nights.

My child I am with thee though the valley be low,

Will you trust me wherever you should go?

For I shall never forsake the sheep in my fold,

If it were not true I would have told you so.

You never thought you would feel this way,

But you shall overcome this too, to be with me one day.

Author, by the grace of God, Sharon Rose Lawless

July 07, 2017


What do I see,  

What can it possibly be?

Day is passing, night closing in,

The bell tis about ready to ring.

Day is gone, night is falling,

Our Lord is calling.

A new day upon us is dawning.

Look at the hourglass, how the sand falls so steadily! 

With the lower half now almost full, not much on top to see.

Does each grain measured consist of days, months, or years?

All I know is that the time of Jesus return is ever drawing near.

Are our houses in order, our scruples proper, tidy, and washed?

Have we done as instructed by our Lord as to counting the cost?

We must this day ask forgiveness of any wrongdoing on our part.

Believing God will answer our prayer for a clean and new loving heart.

Father, thank you for another day of life on this earth here which we live,

A crown we desire, that when gathered in heaven, to our God we can give.

God’s love so amazing one cannot begin to measure length, width, not depth.

Let all the saints sing on high Gods praises loud and strong with our every breath.

Author, by the grace of God,

Sharon Rose Lawless    August 31, 2023  


I’m a mess this day as you can see

And I don’t know what is happening to me

For I know that there is no reason to feel

This loneliness, for thou art with me still

But I do Lord, I am so sorry Lord, but I do

And I believe that on this earth you did too

It was not that the Father had left you alone

Our human race failed to make you feel at home

We often think of self rather than one another

Forgetting our brother, sister, father and mother

For the cares of this world and such as the like

Till life fades like the setting sun into the night

And oh, how miserable art we of all man kind

Failing to comprehend where to draw the line

Between our want to have to and need to do

By slighting one another Lord, we’ve slighted you

Help us understand how much we each need

To be a part of each other’s life’s consistently

Not just on special occasions, not once in a while

But all the days of our life throughout life’s miles

Author, by God’s grace

Sharon Rose Lawless, December 18. 2011

(in lmemory of my friend, Kenny)

Day after day, paths I took seemed to take me many different directions.
Oft times I walked the woods, breathing in the radiance of God’s creation.
One day much fuller the beauty seemed to be, I found self-asking “Why”?
Having asked I soon found the answer to be right in front of my very eyes.

So many times, I fought to go my own way, do my own thing in this world.
Not wanting to bend my will to the will of God, my mind so oft in a whirl.
The Holy Spirit wooing gently none the less “Come drink of the cool water”.
My soul no longer thirst for things of this world, now God is my Father.

And I decided to share God’s love I found by giving literature to others.
For the good news must go to every father, mother, sister, and brother.
Giving them away cost free, praying hands receiving them would only read.
Their eyes might see, and their ears hear what God wants for you and me.

Jesus came to live in my heart, showed me the way, the truth and the life!
I know there is coming a day soon when there never more shall be night.
Evidence all around and about I saw, the sun, moon and stars do declare.
The glory of God, the love of God, for with this world his Son he shared.

Many a wayward child has come to the Father to ask for his forgiveness.
Come to the Father, your request will be granted to this I am his witness.
I am freed at last, from all chains and shackles once holding me sway.
This can be your testimony should you take Jesus as your Saviour today.


P A T I E N C E : M O R E    T H A N    A    N A M E

There once was a girl who found it hard to maintain her temper and it seemed

Ever so often when one ruffled her “feathers” she would let out a loud scream.

Until, seemed no longer was her tiny little lips able to let out one more shout

When upset she stomped her feet jumping up and down in a frenzy all about

Child, why do you have no patience when upset and your temper you lose

Reflect your given name stead of going bout screaming aloud like a moose

Your name is Patience, and we do believe that you could if you only would

Find it your nature, if only you tried, and truly you know that you should

Patience, I have not, mother and father, for truly I find it too hard to obtain

Just perhaps what I need to have done is a change in my birth given name

For it seems impatience is the nature of which I was born with as a babe

For to change I can not do on my own, no, it is not possible, just no way

Patient’s parents explained to their daughter how there was truly a way

That her nature could change, if only she desired enough and prayed

Believing the Lord would change her, Patience prayed for that change

So now the poem has the correct title of ‘Patience: more than a name’

We read in Luke 21:18 “But there shall not an hair of your head perish.                             

In your patience possess ye your souls.” So, patience is to be cherished

No matter your name, your soul’s nature I pray reflects patience within

For without it, one truly is bound to find life much harder my dear friend

What ere’ your name should be, this nature as well can belong to you

If your prayer to the Lord is that he changes your nature, that He will do

Putting off the old man making your once so impatient soul brand new

Jesus waits patiently at your hearts door, asking to come live within you

In this world trials and tribulations, we shall have during our lifetime

Without Christ nature lives within our hearts one day we just may find

Our old man showing itself in such an unflattering fashion that I fear

The Holy Spirit shall not find our hearts suitable any more to come near

Author,   by God’s grace,   Sharon Rose Lawless,   June 09, 2022


Should not I to dare but to differ with those who have this saying to say,

Luck of the Irish too often is said when good things come my and your way.

Me Irish blood testifies to my Maker nightly as me head on my pillow I lay

You see, my friend, tis God’s heavenly showers of blessings to us each day.     

Author, by God’s Grace,    Sharon Rose Lawless,

March 17, 2021


Awakening from sleep, in my mind I think, I need a canvas quickly to seek

And a thought comes into my mind, the scene you create with today’s time

The portray appearing at days end, what will it be, that at days end my eyes see

Knocking on heaven’s door, I ask and seek, this picture, that it may be complete

Then I think to stop and thank the Lord above for another day of life he gives

For allowing my heart within to beat another day, for opening my eyes again

For I know this day will be unlike none other day before, and I see an open door

To make memories and milestones and go to places I have never been before

Joys, tears, fears inner twine round about within corners deep inside my mind

Thoughts of yesteryear go about whirling round and round time after time

Picturesque visions of time stand boldly, as if here, so colorful in vision I see

Keeping alive love of others once given so free, long ago once upon a time, to me

And a smile upon my face appears that hardly a soul upon earth could erase

The gift of Jesus, my friend who like no other, sticketh closer than a brother

Given to all, on this earth whom within their heart receive the word, big or small

God’s promises he keeps, every last one my friend, you may count, He shall keep

This new day, where and how it goes, that only my God alone on high is able to know

Where he leads me, where he leaves me, he knows, it is truly He that first loved me so

You nor I that loved him first, this in His word we must believe, though our hearts hurt

Peaceful waters now once again flow within my heart Satan had thought his throw

Author, by God’s grace, Sharon Rose Lawless,

December 29, 2020


Look in the book of Revelation and you will see,

what our God has to tell you and me.

It is nearing the end of time as we now know it,

yet the beginning of an eternity for those who are fit.

Not fit in the normal way as perceived by most,

But, rather in a way that we may be ready for our Host.

The banquet is being prepared for those to come join.

Will you be one of the guests or will you stay at home?

What do you think of the invitation that was sent to you,

Are you joining the King round the table too?

So many are refusing for what they call more important things.

But I want to be ready when I hear that dinner bell ring!

Oh, I’m not wanting the feast above all the other reasons.

Though I know it will be wonderful with all kinds of seasonings.

I rather would be content just to look upon the face of our groom,

as He smiles wenst looking at the family gathering within the room.

For He is preparing to come and take His family home.

Never had He intended for His children this earth to roam.

But rather to gather round the banquet of blessings.

My, but I can’t wait to tell Him thank You for my many lessons.

Lessons of a lifetime He provided so I might understand how He cares.

So unworthy are we, yet God has even kept count of our every hair.

What can it possibly mean that the Lord of our universe,

has cared to take the time so we could have His word in Bible verses?

So let us patiently prepare for our groom to come and bring us home.

His word teaches in this world His Holy Spirit keeps us; we are never alone.

My heart with joy beyond this world’s understanding doth ring,

knowing that none will ever hurt God’s children or our Savior again.

Author, by the grace of God,  Sharon Rose Lawless   May 02, 2010

TO MY FRIEND WHO LOVED ME (from your kitty)

I was sent to someone special to receive love,

For it was determined by the Lord above.

You would be my guardian angel on earth,

To hold and comfort away my awful hurt.

Don’t worry about me now, oh please,

For I am safe from harm sleeping and at ease.

I will see you again in the new earth someday,

Then nobody ever again shall take me away.

So, smile when you think of me, this I ask of you.

For we will be together when this world is made anew.

Love, your loving fur baby.

I hope this poem brings you comfort

Just as you have comforted

God’s little fur angel.

God bless.     

Author, by God’s grace Sharon Rose Lawless


Look in the mirror, and what do you see a reflection of

Mercy and grace of our holy Father from on high above

Unmerited favor of God for this soul’s reflection we see

Let us thank our Lord and Savior upon our bended knees

See the eyes of a soul looking back and closely observe

Ask what is it I might have said or done to possibly deserve

Gift of a new day of life on this earth of which I now dwell

I am not fit to be held worthy of anything less than hell

What reason did God have bringing me to this day I am in

What could he have been thinking to even want to send

This sinner guilty of so many audacious multiple sins

Into another day here on earth, even calling me friend

Unmerited favor toward all those that will believe

Choosing to walk in the light of his word received

Repenting of all our sins asking forgiveness we cry

Believing we receive a new life even if here we die

Nothing i do or say can ever take even one my sins away

Crimson they are and crimson forever they would stay

Were it not for the grace of my Savior who alone paid

The high price of my debt and now they are taken away

Author, by God’s grace,   Sharon Rose Lawless   March 5, 2024