Each time I came to your home to visit

There we would sit and pass the time

You made me feel like family indeed

Oh, so many memories, so very divine.

You would smile and laugh so sweet

Lightening my day as we talked together

Your gentle nature shown in your eyes

Indeed, we were two birds of a feather

We were like children happy as can be

With no need to pretend with one another

Open and honest right down to our core

Treating me as had my very own mother.

You always had time to spend with me

Never possibly could there ever be again

Even when the miles separated us apart

My gentle, loving, kind beautiful friend

Remembering our good times together in past

Memories together will always bring a smile

And the love of a true friend I truly cherish,

Though we must part, it is but for a little while

Author, by God’s Grace, Sharon Rose Lawless

May 29, 2020

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