Three little baby ducks, named Rinky, Dinky and Stinky loved their mother so

They would follow their momma each and every single place she would go.

One day it came to each their minds that they wanted to know.

Which one was the favorite one that their momma loved so

In secret each little quacker went alone to speak to their mother

To see if favorite little quacker was themselves, not the two others.

Then each baby quacker mother answered the question they asked.

Momma’s little quackers were told what they wanted to know at last.

Later that evening while in their room and all gathered to play.

Little Rinky spoke and said I have something that I wish to say.

I asked our momma who her favorite quacker was, who was the best.

And momma  told me it was I, so I am her favorite more than the rest.

Then little Dinkey said, “Well that it just simply cannot be so.

Because Momma says I am her favorite, and she wanted me to know.

Upon hearing his brothers little Stinky raised his head up high

Why that simply cannot be true at all, momma told me that it is I

Then off to mother’s bed they all decided to scamper right away.

Each shouting they were momma’s favorite one that very day.

Looking at her darling little quackers momma smiled and said, “Oh.”

Each one of you is my very favorite one I want you each to know.

There is none other in the world like each one of you, for you see.

God gave each their own unique and wonderful personality.

The three little quackers hugged and kissed their momma’s cheek.

Saying all of us are mommas favorite not one of us, but each!

The point of this story I hope to be as clear as clear can simply be.

God gives each his children their own unique individual personalities.

Each are Gods favorites we see is true when his word we will see.

Opening our Bible to the book of John 3:16-17 we can read.

 “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son,

 that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; 

but that the world through him might be saved.”

Please do not lay your head down before asking Jesus into your heart this day.

Author, by God’s grace,   Sharon Rose Lawless

February 10, 2024

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