My  prayer  for  you  I  wish  to  convey.

Regarding  what  I  hope  for  you  each  day

Flickers  of  glimmering  light  from  time  to  time

With  each  one  may  it  bring  a  smile  into  your  mind

Sparking  tears  of  sorrow  into  tears  of  joyful  thoughts

Bringing  treasured  memories  to  recall  never  to  be  lost

There  is  no  special  power  this  clear  bobble  of  glass  holds

But  simple  a  symbol  of  the  message  wished  to  you  be  told

Tis  a  reminder  that  this  world  we  live  in  is  not  our  final  home.

Along  with  its  presentation,  a  prayer  of  special  memories  of  the  past

When  shimmering  rainbow  reflections  of  its  hues  glimmer  cross  your  path

You  are  loved  over  the  moon, above  the  stars, beyond  the  galaxies  on  high.

REVELATION 4:3 And  he  that  sat  was  to  look  upon  like  a  jasper  and  a  sardine  stone: and  there  was  a  rainbow  round  about  the  throne, in  sight  like  unto  an  emerald.

Author, by God’s grace, Sharon Rose Lawless

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