Struggles are real in this life here we know,

Climbing mountains to the top from below

The challenge lies at our heart’s door within

Will you take the path of life, or path of sin?

The decision is ours, and it is ours, it is alone.

The easy pathway, or that filled with stones.

Ah, you say, the smooth path seems so right.

So perfect that one has not the need to fight.

To reach to the top of the mountain on high

So perfect one traveling it would seem to fly.

So much one need not as to put up a fight.

But please don’t’ be deceived so my friend.

It can lead your life to an untimely fatal end.

Look upon the path filled with jagged edges.

Look do you see upon also the many ledges?

Now forward go praying as you journey on

Taking Jesus hand, leaning of the Lord alone.

Author, by God’s grace, Sharon Rose Lawless

January 31, 2021

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