
What do I see,  

What can it possibly be?

Day is passing, night closing in,

The bell tis about ready to ring.

Day is gone, night is falling,

Our Lord is calling.

A new day upon us is dawning.

Look at the hourglass, how the sand falls so steadily! 

With the lower half now almost full, not much on top to see.

Does each grain measured consist of days, months, or years?

All I know is that the time of Jesus return is ever drawing near.

Are our houses in order, our scruples proper, tidy, and washed?

Have we done as instructed by our Lord as to counting the cost?

We must this day ask forgiveness of any wrongdoing on our part.

Believing God will answer our prayer for a clean and new loving heart.

Father, thank you for another day of life on this earth here which we live,

A crown we desire, that when gathered in heaven, to our God we can give.

God’s love so amazing one cannot begin to measure length, width, not depth.

Let all the saints sing on high Gods praises loud and strong with our every breath.

Author, by the grace of God,

Sharon Rose Lawless    August 31, 2023  

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