Look in the book of Revelation and you will see,

what our God has to tell you and me.

It is nearing the end of time as we now know it,

yet the beginning of an eternity for those who are fit.

Not fit in the normal way as perceived by most,

But, rather in a way that we may be ready for our Host.

The banquet is being prepared for those to come join.

Will you be one of the guest or will you stay at home?

What do you think of the invitation that was sent to you,

are you joining the King round the table too?

So many are refusing for what they call more important things.

But I want to be ready when I hear that dinner bell ring!

Oh, I’m not wanting the feast above all the other reasons.

Though I know it will be wonderful with all kinds of seasonings.

I rather would be content just to look upon the face of our groom,

as He smiles wenst looking at the family gathering within the room.

For He is preparing to come and take His family home.

Never had He intended for His children this earth to roam.

But rather to gather round the banquet of blessings,

My, but I can’t wait to tell Him thank You for my many lessons.

Lessons of a lifetime He provided so I might understand how He cares.

So unworthy are we, yet God has even kept count of our every hair.

What can it possibly mean that the Lord of our universe,

has cared to take the time so we could have His word in Bible verses?

So let us patiently prepare for our groom to come and bring us home.

His word teaches in this world His holy spirit keeps us, we are never alone.

My heart with joy beyond this world’s understanding doth ring,

knowing that none will ever hurt God’s children or our Savior again.

Author, by the grace of God, Sharon Rose Lawless

May 02, 2010

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